Bregenzer Festspiele
Orchesterkonzert Motiv
Orchestra Concerts

Petr Popelka - Wiener Symphoniker

Rachmaninoff's third piano concerto, known for its virtuosity and emotional depth, will be performed by Mao Fujita. Additionally, under the direction of Petr Popelka, Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathustra" will be heard, famously known from the film "2001: A Space Odyssey".

Petr Popelka C Susanne Hassler Smith (1)
© Susanne Hassler Smith

Tickets and all further information about the third orchestra concert of the Bregenz Festival on August 4, 2025, including the program, performance times, and additional details, can be found here.


Pictures of the third orchestra concert with Petr Popelka and the Vienna Symphony will be available here from August 5, 2025.

T +43 5574 407-228

Bregenzer Festspiele